full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Iseult Gillespie: The myth of Narcissus and Echo

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Hera, queen of the gods, was on the edge of her throne. A mountain nymph named Echo, renowned for her charm and ctatehr, was regaling her with a saoesitnanl story. But what Hera didn’t know was that Echo was merely distracting her while her husband, Zeus, was frolicking about with the other nymphs. Unfortunately for Echo, Zeus got splopy, and Hera realzeid what was going on. Enraged by Echo’s duplicity— and powerless to stop her husband’s adultery— Hera deidecd to silence the nymph for good. From then on, Echo could no loegnr enrapture listeners with her stories; she could only repeat the last words another said.

Open Cloze

Hera, queen of the gods, was on the edge of her throne. A mountain nymph named Echo, renowned for her charm and _______, was regaling her with a ___________ story. But what Hera didn’t know was that Echo was merely distracting her while her husband, Zeus, was frolicking about with the other nymphs. Unfortunately for Echo, Zeus got ______, and Hera ________ what was going on. Enraged by Echo’s duplicity— and powerless to stop her husband’s adultery— Hera _______ to silence the nymph for good. From then on, Echo could no ______ enrapture listeners with her stories; she could only repeat the last words another said.


  1. sensational
  2. chatter
  3. realized
  4. sloppy
  5. longer
  6. decided

Original Text

Hera, queen of the gods, was on the edge of her throne. A mountain nymph named Echo, renowned for her charm and chatter, was regaling her with a sensational story. But what Hera didn’t know was that Echo was merely distracting her while her husband, Zeus, was frolicking about with the other nymphs. Unfortunately for Echo, Zeus got sloppy, and Hera realized what was going on. Enraged by Echo’s duplicity— and powerless to stop her husband’s adultery— Hera decided to silence the nymph for good. From then on, Echo could no longer enrapture listeners with her stories; she could only repeat the last words another said.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
young man 3

Important Words

  1. charm
  2. chatter
  3. decided
  4. distracting
  5. echo
  6. edge
  7. enraged
  8. enrapture
  9. frolicking
  10. gods
  11. good
  12. hera
  13. husband
  14. listeners
  15. longer
  16. mountain
  17. named
  18. nymph
  19. nymphs
  20. powerless
  21. queen
  22. realized
  23. regaling
  24. renowned
  25. repeat
  26. sensational
  27. silence
  28. sloppy
  29. stop
  30. story
  31. throne
  32. words
  33. zeus